
18 Days!

Well, I am positive I have lost my mind!

It feels like there are still a million things that need to get done before I leave. My biggest concern is money. And of course you can't move forward to get other things done until this is figured out. Sigh.

I have been working two jobs since September to try to save up money for this trip, but so far I haven't saved anything. It just seems like one thing is happening after another to prevent me from saving money. Travelling almost every weekend for fundraisers has not helped either. Gas will never be a reasonable price again.

Speaking of fundraisers, we have our final one this evening in Saskatoon. Followed by our last meeting Saturday morning. I am really hoping this meeting will seal up all loose ends. I have typed up my packing list, my suitcase is empty, but ready to be filled, and I have meetings with the bank to figure out the financial end of this journey.

There is a teeny, tiny sliver of light at the end of this tunnel. All appointments have been made, I am starting to get a pretty good base tan, and I have had amazing support from people back home and family. It is quite surprising who will help you when you ask. Those that you expect to jump right in, don't. And those who sit just on the edge of your social circle, give a giant amount of support without the blink of an eye.

The support we have received thus far has been amazing. I thank everyone who has donated from the bottom of my heart. It means a lot to Global Students Helping Students, and it means so much more to those we are going to help in Thailand.

Physically, I am damn near ready for this trip; emotionally, I am not as certain. It is going to be hard, one of the largest challenges I have faced in my life thus far, but I am positive it will affect me and change me for the better.

So, here I sit, 18 days until I board my flight that'll take me halfway across the world. When looking at the big picture, I am pretty much ready to go, with the exception of financials. That is the one, final issue to work out. The last kink in my preparations. I have 18 days to smooth it out. I am sure I will make it work. I always do.

I will try to add one more post before I leave. One last update.

Until then,

1 comment:

  1. Monkey, make sure you upload some pictures too!!
    I didn't realize that you would be leaving so soon, that's crazy. Take an extra memory card with you for your camera also. Have fun my little cousin, I will miss you and will be checking in on your blog daily to read new things.
    <3 Tooby xoxo
