
One week to go!

I leave in 7 days! One Week! I am very, very excited and anxious to start this trip. At the same time I am nervous and stressed.

To elaborate, I still feel like I have 900 million more things to get done, but in reality there is nothing left to do. Everything is organized and ready to go. There are still things that need to be completed, but those things cannot be finished until closer to the date. I have gone over everything a bazillion times. I am ready. It is now a waiting game. 

It still seems like I stress for the sake of stressing. It's impossible for me to settle down. (They say I get this from my mother. Love you mom!) I don't think I'll feel better until I am on the plane. Nah, even so I'll be worried about what I forgot. This is one battle I will not win. 

I do have everything done. It's all organized, it's all under control. I have gone over my plans numerous times, my financials are figured out. I knew I would make it work, with a little help and support everything has fallen into place. It's go time!

I am leaving for Calgary Wednesday morning. I will be there until Sunday, then it is back to SK for a quick luggage swap and finally I will be on my way to the airport that will take me to Thailand! 

So excited for a small vacation, to relax, and most importantly to help improve the lives of so many deserving people! It has arrived so quickly. All the preparations, all the fundraising, all the stress is about to pay off. I don't know what I am going to do once this trip is over. I will have nothing to prepare for anymore. I am sure it won't take me long to take on another project. 

Plus I will be going back to school shortly after I return to finish off my program. Then it will be time to find a permanent job in a city I can live in for longer than 4 months! The prospect of living in a nice apartment or house is very thrilling. To decorate knowing I won't have to pick up and move in a few short months will be a foreign feeling to me. But that journey is for another time on another blog.

This will be my last post before my trip. I have packed a lot of bug spray and sunscreen!
Here's to hoping I won't get sunburnt the first day!

With love,


  1. Stressing? Absolutely from me & your Dad!! Love you too Chickie!! Have a great trip and travel safe!

  2. You'll love Thailand! Good luck out there!

  3. Hey kiddo!

    Just got your blog site today and had a look. I'm glad you made it safe and sound. Sounds like the flights were long. I'll get a taste of that in a couple of months. :0) Keep us posted on how you are doing and be sure to keep in touch. Be safe girlie! Love ya,

  4. hey Kacey, this is a great idea with this blog. I will have to do the same thing for our build a school trip. have a great time and be careful!
    love, aunty Ray
