

Time is a funny concept. It feels like it is flying by because I hardly have time to update this blog, yet each days feels like it is 48 hours long.

We have been keeping super busy. On December 3rd we spent the majority of the day at New Light School, the first school GSHS built. We taught the kids about snow for the morning. I was teaching the kindergarteners and grade ones how to draw a snowman. And the older kids made snowflakes out of paper. It was so much fun to interact with these kids. They were so eager to learn, and did everything we did. We handed out Canadian flag pins and candy, and the kids just loved it. While we were working with the kindergarten kids one girl kept trying to talk to me. I was getting quite frustrated that I could not understand Burmese. I wanted so badly to communicate with her. If I decide to make this cause a serious committment in my life then I will have to learn Burmese.

On my last trip we did a distribution at New Light, and this year I noticed how much happier the kids look. It is so incredibly satisfying to know what I am doing is making a difference in these kids lives. And I am seeing it first hand. Their smiles are the most precious thing on this Earth.

During the afternoon we prepped for and did a distribution at New Light. That afternoon I also went to the nursery to pick out a tree that is to be the focal point of the memorial garden. It was such a surprise and such a priviledge to be able to do that. I picked a tree that will be quite large and offer shade. It has purple flowers on it. Those are what sold me on the tree. If Morgan ventured out and wore colour it was purple.

It is so hard for me to describe what it feels like to be back here. It is so amazing and so right. I want to stay forever, and adopt Burmese children. I wish there was a way I could help every child. My heart aches for every single kid I meet. I know what we are doing is helping, but I feel like it is not enough. If only I had more money and time; I would be here all of the time and be able to do bigger and better things for these people. They deserve it all.

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