
New Experiences Ahead

Well it has been a solid two years since I have posted here. It's about time I did.

I have the amazing opportunity to go back to Thailand. And I leave in 4 days!! Two of the past travellers, who are now coordinators of the Global Students Helping Students group, approached me about going back with them this year. I didn't know if this was something I could afford to do financially. But they didn't give up on me. A big part was due to the fact that I had lost my very best friend one year and four months ago to a tragic car accident. They knew that this trip was something I needed to do as a part of my healing process. And I couldn't agree more. So I talked to my mom. She convinced me to just do it. Life is short, a lesson I have been reminded of too much lately. I shouldn't worry about money if this is something I really wanted to do. I can find a way to make it work, and that is what I did. I want to look back on my life and remember these experiences, even if it means I am not well off in the money department. I would prefer my legacy to be about my experiences. They are what define a person after all.

So here I am, in my final preparations. I am feeling the same way I was last trip; stressed, nervous, excited, scared. I have a feeling this trip will be much more emotional for me. For many reasons. I know what to expect this year, but we are doing a lot of new things on this trip. We are going with a much smaller group of 9, which means we are going to get to form better connections with the people we are helping because there are less of us and we will have more time. We are also going to be visiting a baby orphanage, a clinic, and a school in Burma. I am very excited to cross over the border into Burma, and to give help in the country that needs it most.

The project we have raised funds for this year is another emotional piece of this trip. It is a safe house for women and young girls. The sex and drug trade in Thailand is horrific. And sometimes the refugees from Burma are sold into it by their families because they have no other choice. This safe house is being built on land that Global Neighbors owns. And it will consist of a kitchen, dining and laundry area, dorms for the girls, and a teaching quarters. This will be a place for those at risk of the sex and drug trade to go to. To live, and learn, and better their lives. We will have the opportunity to spend time with these young girls often on this trip, and that is going to be quite an experience in itself.

The last amazing part of this trip is something GN and GSHS has allowed me to do in memory of Morgan, my best friend who passed away. There is a garden that we are going to build behind the dorms of the safe house project, and we are building it in honour of Morgan. This could not be more perfect. Morgan was very much involved with my last trip to Thailand. She did not end up travelling with us, but she helped us with fundraisers and put in a lot of effort to the cause. She loved nature, as well. So a fruit tree garden is a beautiful way commemorate her memory.

So I have written enough. You have an idea of what this trip will be about. I will try to update this blog as often as possible while I am in Thailand. It's a whole new year that will generate more amazing stories and eye openers for me. This trip is something I need. It will be healing in so many ways, and put my life back into perspective for me.

I will leave you with this video. Barrack Obama recently visited Burma. He was the first American President to ever do so. His speech was amazing, and so moving. It is exactly what GN and GSHS is all about. We just want the Burmese people to be able to go home and live peacefully.

Love and Peace,

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