
I am Spiderman (woman)

Rock climbing was everything I wanted it to be and more! It was so fun, but an incredible work out at the same time. My body is so sore, but it was definitely worth it. The highest I climbed was 25 meters. Some courses were more challenging than others with the heights ranging. Of course I was only on beginner courses, but it was hard nonetheless. I want to come back to Thailand just to rock climb now. Haha

Rock climbing was amazing, but I did push myself to my absolute limit doing it. I finished around 1pm and Kayla and I went to eat lunch. I became very dizzy and nearly fainted. I was at the point where I could hear everything around me, but I could not respond. My body went limp. I needed energy and sugar. I freaked Kayla out pretty bad, but I was still able to help her help me. Out of the two previous times I have fainted in my life, this one was the worst. It definitely could have been prevented from me, I was just being careless. I should have eaten a heartier breakfast knowing I would need the energy for rock climbing that day. I also did not drink enough water throughout the climbs. I did drink a lot, but not enough. Mixed in with the heat down here, it was all my body could take. Kayla ran and got me some juice boxes, which I told her to do because I knew they are loaded with sugar. I knew I needed to eat too, but I just didn't have the energy. I was so weak I couldn't even pick up my sandwich. I ate what I could, finished my juice and water and then went to my room to nap. Had I been in Canada I probably would have gone to see a doctor, but here no one helps you. I am good to go now. After a 9 hour sleep and a decent meal later I feel fine. So I am now making sure I drink more water than I deem necessary. I am really careless when it comes to hydrating myself.

Today we leave for Bangkok. The group arrives around midnight tonight. So now I start phase two of this trip. I am excited and nervous. It will be heartbreaking and heart warming at the same time.

I have been eating some Thai food, slowly branching out. And I find it is not as bad as I thought it would be. But of course I am stubborn. I am getting used to the heat, and actually don't mind it a whole lot. I've had a few beer and a bucket (shared) here and there, but otherwise have not been drinking a whole lot. Better to be safe than sorry.

Anyway, I will update you all once I am in Mae Sot.

Love you mom, dad, and kids. And Carter, good luck on your play!! Wish I could watch you in your first big production! Xo

With love (to the rest of you),

1 comment:

  1. Hey you brave, crazy girl! First Bungee Jumping then Rock Climbing! You are so lucky to have this opportunity to explore so many adventures! Carters play was great! Brit had her video camera there so you'll be able to see it. He did so well up there both nights to a sold out crowd. Enjoy the second and most important part of your journey in Mae Sot! And take care my Girl. Love from HOME!!!!!
